As we approach the premiere of the series next month, I would love your feedback as I contemplate the future and direction of this site.
If you have time and don't mind responding in the Comments (using either your real name or anonymously posting), I would really appreciate your thoughts about the following:
- Would you follow/read/comment along if I structured and maintained this site and content in a similar fashion to my Lost site? (i.e. theory-heavy and spoiler-free, with news and occasional contests)
Obviously the pilot episode hasn't even aired yet, so many of you may not be ready to answer that question.
On my right shoulder, a tiny devil is screaming in one ear, "let everyone else do this with the next show; read their sites instead!" while a small angel perched on my left shoulder is whispering, "you know you're not capable of simply watching a mysterious, easter-egg filled series without analyzing and sharing your thoughts..."
As of right now, I am leaning toward dedicating that same Lost level of time and energy to FlashForward for three reasons: I found the book to be completely riveting, my experience at the Comic-Con booth was equally strange and intriguing, and the various show-related websites prove that they are serious about their commitment to fan and audience interaction from the get-go.
That being said, I will not be at all offended if you don't think you'll be interested in a site that focuses on possible theories, if you think you might be burned out from this type of exhaustive analysis once Lost ends next year, or if you're over me in general. :)
Thoughts? I will read and respond to all comments, and take all of your feedback into serious consideration over the next few weeks. Thank you in advance!
I would definately read it ~ especially if there are no spoilers. I am gonna bookmark this site now.
Hi Jo,
I plan to watch Flash Forward and if I like it as I do Lost, you can count on me following your FF site for sure!
I certainly hope to get into another wonderful show because Lost is ending and I'm going to need to fill its place!!!
I really do enjoy your sites - the theories, the contests and just the camaraderie that we fans have with each other. It's fun!
-Cat (agent385)
FlashForward is at the top of my must-watch list for the new fall season. It appears we may have finally found a show to carry on the torch started by LOST, as a show heavy on mythology, worthy of a lot of theorizing. I'm looking forward to your dedicated analyzing Jo, and will be tuning in here regularly.
I say go for it!
Im in :)
I think the Tv show could be even better than the book (which i think dragged on a little bit) and im gona need to latch onto something once Lost is gone.
I just wonder if we will be able to theorize as much if theres a book out there. ie. will the first mystery be "why didnt he have a flash?".
Love to read your recaps entwined with theories - so im sticking around.
I'm definitely interested in devoting a lot of time to this show. While I don't want to peg it already as being my LOST replacement, I think it has definite potential. I'd be happy to read along and speculate on this site!
I say give it the same treatment as you do with Lost. It'll be fun, especially after Lost goes off the air and, hopefully, FlashForward lasts for awhile.
Hey Jo - Yes, please, I would love to see you continue on with this site, analysis-heavy and spoiler free. I learned my lesson about spoilers when I found myself disappointed in a Lost episode(!) because I already knew the big plot points. I'm currently shying away from reading too many Lost theories - if they're right, they're spoilers! Still, I'll need to discuss... The pilot rocked my world at ComicCon, please give us an outlet!
Erin, aka Loster21, aka FunintheSwan
I'm planning to watch the show. If there are going to be easter eggs and the like, I'll need a site that will point them out to me :o)
Sure, why not? I enjoy following you on twitter and I will need something to fill the Lost void when it's over next year, so why not?
Seems like you answer is above.
Although white text paragraphs on black is difficult to read, but that is the designer in me.
Flash JOward!
Jo...don't listen to that devil! I would so follow this blog for Flash Forward. I'm reading the book now, and am anticipating that this will be our replacement when LOST ends! I thoroughly enjoy your insights into the LOST re-watch this summer. I think you'd do a great job here! And I will continue to be a loyal reader. After all....I'm part of your team and have the t-shirt to prove it.
Thank you for your overwhelmingly positive thoughts!
Hey Brian, looks like I'm going to need a new logo design...since you created my other two, let's chat soon. :)
I will be following this site as well. I am already trying to crack the ARG and I've read the book. So if you have any more insight to give regarding those as well, I'd appreciate it. Obviously we can't talk too much about the book without spoiling the show somewhat, but do you expect an ending like that for the show? (I don't.)
Now will somebody crack this already? http://truthhack.com/encrypted/ It's driving me nuts.
JO: I most definitely will follow your site if it is done like your LOST site: classy, interesting and spoiler-free. GO FOR IT!!
Thumbs up! I'll read!!
I've had this blog bookmarked since right before Comic Con.
I'll definitley be here to read your insight on the show. Especially if it's spoiler free.
Can't wait.
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